Volunteers wanted for Research Study! Volunteers wanted as part of a Research Study on Communication in Agriculture and Water Quality For full details please see the poster below. Please contact Aoife Neville at S00207972@mail.itsligo.ie [...]
OFS Webinars and farm visits
Organic Trust Webinars The Organic Trust certify organic farms across Ireland. The Organic Trust are holding two webinars in March, in relation to the new organic farming scheme, which is now open. Webinars : [...]
Burren Winterage School 2021
Burren Winterage School 2021 - Provisional Programme (for updates and more details, visit www.burrenwinterage.com) 20th - 24th October 2021 - Part of the Burren Winterage Weekend This year’s Burren Winterage School will be a [...]
Burrenbeo Snapshot October 2021
The turning of Autumn to Winter is marked by one of the most significant events in the Burren's farming calendar. This is the time when several hundred farmers each herd their cattle up onto [...]
Minister Pippa Hackett visits Burren Programme farms
We had a wonderful day on Monday, 23rd August, when Minister of State Pippa Hackett visited the Burren. Minister Hackett visited a number of Burren Programme farms where she received a very good overview [...]
Questionnaire for Clare Farmers
The link below is to a questionnaire for Clare farmers. The Questionnaire is asking farmers about their perspectives on farming representative organisations and the IFA. It has been compiled by Gavin Moroney, a Masters [...]
Free online Virtual Tour of the Archaeology on a Burren Farm
led by Elaine & Michael Lynch A Burrenbeo Trust and National Heritage Week Event Wednesday, 18th August, 8pm Register here for the zoom webinar As part of Heritage Week, archaeologists Elaine and Michael Lynch [...]
TB Eradication 2030: Useful links from DAFM regarding TB
TB is a major issue in the Burren. Here are some useful videos produced by DAFM which provide answers to some common questions around TB. Simply click on the titles below to be brought [...]
Press Release from Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine
Minister Hackett announces commencement of 2020 payments to Burren Programme farmers. Minister also announces the results of an evaluation of Burren Programme. The Minister of State in the Department of Agriculture, Food and the [...]
Burren Winterage School 2020
October 21st - October 25th Online Presentations, Discussions, Farming for Nature Awards, Farm Walks and More www.burrenwinterage.com The Burren Winterage School , now in its 7th year, is an annual gathering of farmers, researchers, [...]