Online Talk on the Excavation of a hut site at Lismoher, Co. Clare

A Burrenbeo Trust and National Heritage Week Event

Wednesday, 17th August, 7pm to 8pm


As part of Heritage Week,  archaeologist Elaine Lynch and the Field Monument Advisor Programme is running an online event on the archaeological excavations of a hut site in the townland of Lismoher which was undertaken in May 2022.  This event will be hosted by the Burrenbeo Trust.   The talk will give a background to the archaeology of the area, the processes involved in an excavation, along with preliminary findings and artefacts which were uncovered from the excavation.  This was a community excavation which included volunteers from the Burren Conservation volunteers.  It was funded by the Royal Irish Academy.

The FMA Programme is supported by the Heritage Council under the Heritage Sector Support Fund 2022.


This event will also be made publicly available on the Burren Programme  and Burrenbeo Trust YouTube Channels afterwards.