About Administrator

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So far Administrator has created 51 blog entries.

Burrenbeo September 2022 Snapshot

Tormentil, or néalfheartach, (image above) is one of the most common flowers of the Burren with its simple, four-petalled yellow blooms.  The Latin tormentil means ‘torment’ or the ‘pains of colic’ and, according to [...]

Burrenbeo September 2022 Snapshot2022-08-31T10:00:59+01:00

National Heritage Week

 Online Talk on the Excavation of a hut site at Lismoher, Co. Clare A Burrenbeo Trust and National Heritage Week Event Wednesday, 17th August, 7pm to 8pm REGISTER LINK As part of Heritage Week,  [...]

National Heritage Week2022-08-17T11:22:25+01:00

Burren Grasslands Walk

Come along to the first event associated with the new 'Great irish Grasslands' project. For full information click here and register via the TicketTailor Event Link

Burren Grasslands Walk2022-08-02T16:11:46+01:00

Welcome to July-August Farming For Nature Newsletter

Welcome to the July - August edition of the Farming For Nature Newsletter, containing news and upcoming events, helpful nature-friendly tips for your farm, and other useful resources - including words of wisdom from [...]

Welcome to July-August Farming For Nature Newsletter2022-06-27T16:31:47+01:00

ACRES new €1.5 billion agri-environment scheme

On Tuesday,  in Dublin Castle, An Taoiseach, Micheál Martin, and Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue, announced that the new national agri-environment scheme, proposed as part of Ireland’s draft CAP Strategic [...]

ACRES new €1.5 billion agri-environment scheme2022-08-02T16:13:52+01:00

Burrenbeo June 2022 Snapshot

Cat's paw image credit:  Judith Vega Cat's paw/catluibh or Mountain Everlasting is one of the delights of the Burren and so called because of its white (male) or pink (female) flowers which resemble [...]

Burrenbeo June 2022 Snapshot2022-06-07T16:05:32+01:00

Festival of Farmland Biodiversity

Why a Festival of Farmland Biodiversity? The National Biodiversity Data Centre is hosting a month-long (virtual) Festival of Farmland Biodiversity for May 2022.  The Festival of Farmland Biodiversity will focus [...]

Festival of Farmland Biodiversity2022-05-04T12:10:44+01:00

Welcome to May-June Farming For Nature Newsletter

Welcome to the May - June edition of our Farming For Nature Newsletter.   It’s a great time to be out and about in the countryside, currently brimming with energy and life.   The dawn chorus [...]

Welcome to May-June Farming For Nature Newsletter2022-04-29T15:15:26+01:00

Pearl Mussel Project News: Issue 5

The Pearl Mussel Project have produced a short farm newsletter with information on some of the latest developments within the programme. If you would like to submit an article, photograph or item for inclusion [...]

Pearl Mussel Project News: Issue 52022-04-06T16:54:16+01:00

Volunteers wanted for Research Study

Volunteers wanted as part of a Research Study Volunteers wanted as part of a Research Study on Communication in Agriculture and Water Quality. See below poster for full details. Please contact Aoife Neville at [...]

Volunteers wanted for Research Study2022-03-30T17:46:36+01:00
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