led by

Elaine & Michael Lynch

A Burrenbeo Trust and National Heritage Week Event

Wednesday, 18th August, 8pm

Register here for the zoom webinar

As part of Heritage Week, archaeologists Elaine and Michael Lynch will present a visual online tour of one of the Burren farms within the Burren Programme.  The farm at Lismoher has a number of recorded and unrecorded monuments which range from possibly Neolithic right up to early modern times, consisting of cairns, hut sites, a beehive hut site, a field system, a number of enclosures and cashels, an old ruined cottage and an 18th century farmhouse.   These sites indicate a consistent farming tradition over a long period of time on the farm.

The presentation will discuss a range of these monuments and in some cases show the benefits the Burren Programme has had on these sites, mainly through scrub management and continued grazing.   A number of the sites on the farm were cleared of scrub by the Burrenbeo Trust Volunteers, which has greatly benefitted the preservation of the monuments.

Elaine and Michael Lynch will present the virtual tour.   Both are licensed archaeologists participating in the FMA (Field Monument Advisor) Programme.   This project is supported by the Heritage Council under the Heritage Sector Support Fund 2021.

Register here for the zoom webinar

This event will also be made publicly available on the Burren Programme  and Burrenbeo Trust YouTube Channels afterwards.