Burrenbeo Snapshot October 2021

The turning of Autumn to Winter is marked by one of the most significant events in the Burren's farming calendar.   This is the time when several hundred farmers each herd their cattle up onto [...]

Burrenbeo Snapshot October 20212021-09-30T14:46:53+01:00

Minister Pippa Hackett visits Burren Programme farms

We had a wonderful day on Monday, 23rd August, when Minister of State Pippa Hackett visited the Burren. Minister Hackett visited a number of Burren Programme farms where she received a very good overview [...]

Minister Pippa Hackett visits Burren Programme farms2021-09-09T15:32:08+01:00

Free online Virtual Tour of the Archaeology on a Burren Farm

led by Elaine & Michael Lynch A Burrenbeo Trust and National Heritage Week Event Wednesday, 18th August, 8pm Register here for the zoom webinar As part of Heritage Week, archaeologists Elaine and Michael Lynch [...]

Free online Virtual Tour of the Archaeology on a Burren Farm2021-08-11T12:41:32+01:00

The Practice of Burren Winterage: A short video

In this video, three Burren farmers tell us what the practice of Winterage means to them.  Winterage or herding cattle in the autumn from the lowlands up to the highlands for grazing over winter [...]

The Practice of Burren Winterage: A short video2020-08-21T11:40:26+01:00

National Heritage Week 2020

Michael Lynch and Elaine Lynch - Online Zoom Presentation Wednesday, August 19th at 8pm Michael Lynch is the Field Monument Advisor for Co. Clare and he has been working in archaeology in the Burren [...]

National Heritage Week 20202020-08-06T15:56:52+01:00

Welcome to the July & August Farming for Nature Newsletter

Welcome to the July-August edition of the Farming for Nature Newsletter. This bimonthly publication contains news and upcoming events, offers helpful nature-friendly tips for your farm, and shares useful resources, including words of wisdom [...]

Welcome to the July & August Farming for Nature Newsletter2020-07-14T17:04:36+01:00

Teagasc PhD Walsh Scholarship Opportunity

Optimisation of upland/lowland resources within farming systems to deliver a range of ecosystem services across multifunctional agricultural landscapes Ref Walsh Scholarship Number 2020005 The Walsh Scholarships Programme is Teagasc's postgraduate development programme, with some 140 students [...]

Teagasc PhD Walsh Scholarship Opportunity2020-05-28T16:29:30+01:00

Farming for Nature – the role of results based payments

A new book is available online entitled Farming for Nature – the role of results-based payments. This book has been edited by Eileen O’Rourke and John A. Finn. Contributors of this book include Brendan [...]

Farming for Nature – the role of results based payments2020-04-23T15:56:12+01:00

Pearl Mussel Project News: Issue 1

The Pearl Mussel Project have produced a short farm newsletter with information on some of the latest developments within the programme. We hope to produce further issues of Pearl Mussel Project News during the [...]

Pearl Mussel Project News: Issue 12020-03-30T12:10:02+01:00

Second Atlantic Natura 2000 Seminar – Report

As a milestone in the Natura 2000 Biogeographical Process, the seminar serves the purpose of discussing issues of common concern and interest, in relation to the conservation and management of a number of habitats [...]

Second Atlantic Natura 2000 Seminar – Report2020-04-17T10:18:38+01:00
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