Michael Lynch and Elaine Lynch – Online Zoom Presentation
Wednesday, August 19th at 8pm
Michael Lynch is the Field Monument Advisor for Co. Clare and he has been working in archaeology in the Burren for over 15 years. He has surveyed numerous monuments in the Burren including many previously unrecorded sites.
Archaeology in the Burren: Excavating Mesolithic Hunter-Gatherer Sites with Volunteers
Organisers: Burrenbeo Trust and the Field Monument Advisor Programme, Co. Clare.
In order to celebrate National Heritage Week (15th to 23rd August) there will be a live online presentation on the discovery and excavation of the first known Mesolithic sites in Co. Clare, at Fanore More and Doolin.
This presentation will show how an archaeological project based mainly on local volunteers can successfully carry out important research, enhance our knowledge of the local archaeological heritage, and communicate that knowledge to a wider audience. It will be a live presentation with Questions and Answers session. Please register at https://bit.ly/31oHwz8
The project investigated Mesolithic hunter-gatherer activity on the north-west Burren coastline over 6,000 years ago, including the making of stone axes and other tools and the use of marine resources for food and other purposes.
The primary objective of the Field Monument Advisor (FMA) Programme is to raise the awareness of the archaeological heritage in Co. Clare and thereby enhance its preservation. The programme is sponsored by the Heritage Council, the Burren Programme and the National Monuments Service (NMS). The FMA works closely with the Burrenbeo Trust (www.burrenbeo.com) and the Burrenbeo Conservation Volunteers (BCV), a local voluntary community that works towards the sustainable management of the Burren by undertaking active conservation work in collaboration with farmers and other experts working in the Burren.
The BCV learned and participated in all of the skills necessary for excavation, survey, drawing, recording and also post-ex analysis. The FMA provided training in these skills for the volunteers and disseminated the information from the excavations to the local community and a wider audience through presentations, outings and publications.