Welcome to the July & August Farming for Nature Newsletter

Welcome to the July-August edition of the Farming for Nature Newsletter. This bimonthly publication contains news and upcoming events, offers helpful nature-friendly tips for your farm, and shares useful resources, including words of wisdom [...]

Welcome to the July & August Farming for Nature Newsletter2020-07-14T17:04:36+01:00

Teagasc Environment Newsletters featuring EIPs

See below links to recent features on EIPs (European Innovation Partnership) in Teagasc publications: Teagasc Environment Newsletter June 2020 featuring the BRIDE EIP Teagasc Environment Newsletter April 2020 featureing Caomhnú Árann EIP [...]

Teagasc Environment Newsletters featuring EIPs2020-06-23T15:47:24+01:00

Teagasc PhD Walsh Scholarship Opportunity

Optimisation of upland/lowland resources within farming systems to deliver a range of ecosystem services across multifunctional agricultural landscapes Ref Walsh Scholarship Number 2020005 The Walsh Scholarships Programme is Teagasc's postgraduate development programme, with some 140 students [...]

Teagasc PhD Walsh Scholarship Opportunity2020-05-28T16:29:30+01:00

Farming for Nature – the role of results based payments

A new book is available online entitled Farming for Nature – the role of results-based payments. This book has been edited by Eileen O’Rourke and John A. Finn. Contributors of this book include Brendan [...]

Farming for Nature – the role of results based payments2020-04-23T15:56:12+01:00

Pearl Mussel Project News: Issue 1

The Pearl Mussel Project have produced a short farm newsletter with information on some of the latest developments within the programme. We hope to produce further issues of Pearl Mussel Project News during the [...]

Pearl Mussel Project News: Issue 12020-03-30T12:10:02+01:00

Welcome to the March & April Farming for Nature Newsletter

Farming for Nature March & April 2020 Newsletter Welcome to the March & April edition of the Farming for Nature Newsletter. This bimonthly publication contains news and upcoming events, offers helpful nature-friendly tips for your [...]

Welcome to the March & April Farming for Nature Newsletter2020-03-18T13:36:19+00:00

EIP-AGRI: Ireland’s Operational Groups 2019

The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM), along with EU under the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 have published this handbook on the European Innovation Partnership for Agriculture Productivity and Sustainability (EIP-AGRI) Operational Groups. [...]

EIP-AGRI: Ireland’s Operational Groups 20192019-05-02T13:49:34+01:00

Burren Farmers travel to a different Burren…

A group of Burren farmers made a trip north, during April 2019, to visit their counterparts in the limestone region of south Fermanagh. The visit was funded by an EU Horizon 2020 project, HNV [...]

Burren Farmers travel to a different Burren…2020-04-17T09:41:02+01:00

Portugese visit to boost innovation for sustainable agriculture

Burren Learning landscape focus of Portuguese visit to boost innovation for sustainable agriculture A group of 20 farmers, researchers and Ministry of Agriculture officials from Portugal visited the Burren to experience the lessons learnt [...]

Portugese visit to boost innovation for sustainable agriculture2020-04-17T09:51:15+01:00
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